Thursday, November 3, 2011

Short and Chubby Totoro Pattern by Me!

1: 6sc into magic ring
2: 2sc into each st (12)
3: [1sc, inc 2] x 6 (18)
4: [2sc, inc 2] x 6 (24)
5: [3sc, inc 2] x 6 (30)
6-8: sc in each stitch across 
9: [4sc, inc 2] x 6 (36)
10: [5sc, inc 2] x 6 (42)
11-18: sc in each stitch across
19: [5sc, dec 2] x 6 (36)
20: [4sc, dec 2] x 6 (30)
21: [3sc, dec 2] x 6 (24)
22: [2sc, dec 2] x 6 (18)
begin stuffing
23: in back loops only [1sc, dec 2] x 6 (12)
24: continuing in both loops, dec 2 until hole is small enough to tie off.

Ears: make two
1: 4sc into magic ring.
2: [1sc, inc 2] x 2 (6)
3: [2sc, inc 2] x 2 (8)
4: [3sc, inc 2] x 2 (10)
5: [4sc, inc 2] x 2 (12)
6-8: sc in each stitch across
9: [4sc, dec 2] x 2 (10)
10: [3sc, dec 2] x 2 (8)
slst, tie off

1: 4sc into magic ring.
2: 2sc in each stitch (8)
3: [1sc, inc 2] x 4 (12)
4: sc in each stitch across (12)
5: [1sc, inc 2] x 6 (18)
6-7: sc in each stitch across (18)
8: [1sc, dec 2] x 4 (12)
9: sc in each stitch across (12)
10: slst, tie off

Arms: make two
1: 6sc into magic ring
2: 2sc in each stitch (12)
3-5: sc in each stitch across (12)
6: [1sc, dec 1] x 3 (9)
7: alternate sc and dec until you reach the end
tie off

Stomach Piece:
1: 6sc into magic ring
2: 2sc in each stitch (12)
3: [1sc, inc 2] x 6 (18)
4: [2sc, inc 2] x 6 (24)
5: [3sc, inc 2] x 6 (30)
slst, tie off.

Attach all parts, embroider on nose and claws with black yarn. For the eyes, I used white felt and black buttons. Enjoy! <3

He is about the size of a softball.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Looks kinda cartoonish.

Also, all of my mobile posts make the pictures look like crap.

Some new things I thought I posted but didn't

 Doctor Zoidberg!
Owl sweater for my favorite baby's first birthday :3

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Oh for the love of Doctor Who...

I couldn't decide on a pose for the 4th doctor scarf I made for a friend. I think the middle one is my favourite. And my trenchcoat was absolutely necessary for this photo session.

 The T.A.R.D.I.S.
 Sonic Screwdriver!

Friday, August 12, 2011


Someone asked me for this hat...
...So I made it.
Also, WOW I look like someone hit me with a bus without my glasses on.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Elementary, my dear Watson.

Pattern from Crochet Newsletter Magazine, No.87, Page 10, Copyright 1997. Found online